[Jobs] Employment and Internship Opportunities at PPIC (fwd)

Ron Lee rlee at demog.berkeley.edu
Tue Feb 17 12:25:43 PST 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 20:05:33 +0000
From: Anneke Gaul <gaul at ppic.org>
Cc: Anneke Gaul <gaul at ppic.org>
Subject: Employment and Internship Opportunities at PPIC

I’d like to bring to your attention the 2 Development positions listed below, along with
the 3 positions for the PPIC Water Policy Center and PPIC’s 7 summer internships
opportunities.  THANK YOU to those of you who have already shared the news of these
opportunities with students and professional networks.  I’m sending this reminder in case
I missed anyone the first time around.

Two new development positions at PPIC; position details and application instructions are
included in these postings:

-          Associate Development Director

-          Development Associate

Three position for PPIC’s Water Policy Research Center:

-          Center Communications Manager

-          Research Associate

-          Research Fellow or Senior Fellow

Last but not least, seven summer internships:

-          Project 1: Addressing College Readiness in the Local Control and
Accountability Plans   (Niu Gao, Jacob Jackson)

-          Project 2: Pre-Trial Programs and Services in California   (Sonya Tafoya)

-          Project 3: California State University Graduation Initiative   (Kevin Cook,
Hans Johnson)

-          Project 4: County Offices of Education: Local Control Accountability
Planning   (Paul Warren)

-          Project 5: Housing Strategies Employed by Low-Income Californians   (Sarah
Bohn, Caroline Danielson)

-          Project 6: California’s Current Correctional Practices and Challenges 
(Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin)

-          Project 7: Preparing for Water Scarcity: Learning from California’s Recent
Drought   (Ellen Hanak, Jeff Mount)

Thank you for spreading the word about these opportunities to your networks.  Feel free
to contact me with questions.

Anneke Gaul

Human Resources Manager



500 Washington Street, Suite 600

San Francisco, CA 94111
tl  415 291 4452

fax  415 291 4401

web  www.ppic.org

email gaul at ppic.org

Any opinions expressed in this message are those of the author alone and do not
necessarily reflect any position of the Public Policy Institute of California.

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