[Jobs] short-term academic gig at sfsu

Leora Lawton llawton at berkeley.edu
Fri Aug 21 12:10:08 PDT 2009

Hi folks,
This announcement was forwarded to me.

We have a job that is going begging (believe it or not, in this climate). One of our
faculty members (Francis Neely) is going on a six week leave and we need
someone to replace him for that time. He has two sections of a course
on introduction to methods (PLSI 300) that meets on Monday and
Wednesday between 11-3:30 (that includes both sections and a lab for
each course). The course uses SPSS which the professor said he can
teach anyone with a background in methods in no time. It would pay
about $3,500 for the six weeks (running roughly between Sept. 8--to
mid October). Do you know anyone who is qualified and able to teach
the course? If you could give me their names or refer them to me, I
would be grateful. We are getting desperate!

jmartel at sfsu.edu

Just in case this might be useful....


Dr. Leora Lawton
Executive Director, Berkeley Population Center
 & Lecturer, Sociology Dept.
209 Demography Bldg.
2232 Piedmont Avenue
(510) 642-9671 (office)
(510) 928-7572 (cell)
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