[Jobs] Call for Visiting Research Fellows Brussels Centre for Urban Studies

Leora Lawton llawton at berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 1 12:22:10 PDT 2015

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From: Leora Lawton <lawton at techsociety.com>

*2016 Call for Visiting Research Fellows at the Brussels Centre for Urban

*Brussels Centre for Urban Studies*

The Brussels Centre for Urban Studies is a new interdisciplinary research
centre at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) that brings together urban
researchers from various disciplines. Its aim is to increase the visibility
of VUB urban research and to develop and support research projects in the
domain of urban studies. The centre orientation is global, but particular
attention is paid to the urban dynamics of Brussels.

 *Visiting research fellowships*

In order to realize these aims, the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies
offers funding to a limited number of visiting research fellows.
Fellowships are non-stipendiary, but travel and accommodation costs are
covered. As such, these fellowships are mainly intended for faculty on
leave or sabbatical and for PhD or postdoc researchers that have a salary
from their home university or research institute. Fellowship duration is in
principle between three and six months, but the exact duration will depend
on the preferences and requirements of the applicants.

 The objective of these fellowships is to promote exemplary
interdisciplinary research in urban studies and to increase the
international visibility of urban research at the VUB. Applicants are
therefore expected to actively participate in events organized by the
Brussels Centre for Urban Studies and the relevant VUB research groups.
Fellows are encouraged to organize workshops, develop research projects,
contribute to teaching or engage in other activities that are in line with
the aims of the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies. Depending on the timing
of the fellowship period, senior fellows will also be asked to give a
public lecture within the Stadssalonsurbains lecture series (
https://brusselsacademy.wordpress.com/salons/). All fellows are expected to
submit a brief report at the end of their fellowship period for publication
on the Centre website.

 *Application process*

In order to apply to the Visiting Research Fellowship scheme of the
Brussels Centre for Urban Studies, applicants should submit an updated
curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a concise statement of the
research and activity plan. The deadline for applications is 15 September
2015. Fellowship applications need to be submitted via e-mail to the Centre
coordinators Stefan De Corte (sdecorte at vub.ac.be) and Bas van Heur (
bvheur at vub.ac.be). Following notification within a month after this
deadline, applicants are expected to start their fellowship between January
and December 2016.

 Prior to submission, applicants must discuss the proposed research with
and have the written support of two VUB research groups in order to ensure
the interdisciplinary orientation of the fellowship project. Applicants are
advised to contact the Centre coordinators Stefan De Corte and Bas van Heur
at least one month before the deadline to discuss the fellowship project
and its relation to the VUB research groups. Fellowship projects also need
to address at least one of the three central research themes of the
Brussels Centre for Urban Studies: sustainable urban environments; urban
cultures and diversity; and governing urban economies. Please see the
Centre website for more information on these themes and the VUB research
groups: http://research.vub.ac.be/urban.

Leora Lawton PhD
Executive Director
Berkeley Population Center
350K Barrows Hall
(of) 510-643-1270
(m) 510-928-7572
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