Liz Ozselcuk elto at demog.berkeley.edu
Tue Nov 13 10:28:52 PST 2012

from Jenny Liu:
From: "NAFO-TRAORE, Fatoumata" <nafof at who.int>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:13:48 +0000
To: Jenny Liu <liuj at globalhealth.ucsf.edu>

Dear Dr Liu, 
As you are aware, the financing landscape for global health initiatives has
undergone a phase of consolidation in the wake of the global financial
crisis.  For this reason, new and innovative methods to assist countries to
access funding that will bring them closer to achieving their health and
development aspirations is more important than ever.

With this in mind, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership Secretariat is looking
to undertake a programme of work in relation to expanding the knowledge base
around the economic benefits, challenges and opportunities of investment in
malaria control, prevention and elimination.

I would like to seek your assistance in helping RBM to identify an
experienced development economist that may be interested in a 6 to 12 month
posting to the RBM Secretariat in Geneva.  RBM would be prepared to cover
all related costs and is flexible in relation to the type of contracting
arrangements (i.e. secondment, consultancy or UN Staff Contract).

The key duties would be as follows:

•       Analyse or lead consultants to analyse opportunities/environment
where malaria investment boosts economic development, including ROI.
•       Develop material to build the development case for investment in
malaria control.
•       Analyse possible funding sources and strategies to boost development
funding towards malaria control (as opposed to funding for global health
•       Interact with development banks and development agencies and
academic institutions to understand opportunities for malaria control to
link with current development strategies.
•       Analyse opportunities for increased domestic funding for malaria
control by using development goals as a means to encourage investment in
malaria control.
•       Conduct/coordinate gap analysis and associated economic and
financial modeling to develop a better understanding of the economic
benefits and opportunities and threats.
•       Provide strategic advice to the RBM EXD on the above issues.
•       Represent the RBM Executive Director at relevant international fora.
•       Provide detailed input in the revision of Global Malaria Action Plan
(GMAP) in relation to financial and economic analysis.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could assist us by reaching out through
your network to identify suitable people for this exciting project.

I would be pleased to provide you with further information or to discuss
this with you in more detail should this be helpful.

Any potentially interested parties that wish to discuss the opportunity
should contact RBM’s Manager of Finance and Administration, Mr Dirk Steller
at email stellerd at who.int or by telephone on +41 22 791 1639.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours sincerely


Dr Fatoumata Nafo-Traoré
Executive Director

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