[Jobs] Jobs at American University (Washington, DC) (fwd)

Liz Ozselcuk elto at demog.berkeley.edu
Wed Sep 7 09:11:10 PDT 2011

courtesy of Rachel Sullivan Robinson, Cohort 23:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 11:29:21 -0400
From: Rachel Sullivan Robinson - Professor <robinson at american.edu>
To: elto at demog.berkeley.edu, monique at demog.berkeley.edu
Subject: Jobs at American University (Washington, DC)

Sociology. Assistant Professor:  The Department of Sociology at American
University (Washington, D.C.), College of Arts and Sciences, invites
applications for a tenure line appointment beginning in August 2012 for an
Assistant Professor.   The department seeks candidates with a primary area
of specialization in demography and/or social geography.  Highest priority
will be given to candidates whose focus within the specialization(s) is on
health, to contribute to the department?s developing concentration in the
social dimensions of health and the expanding Center on Health, Risk and
Society based in the department. Other areas of focus within the
specialization that will be considered include: development and
globalization, migration, urban communities, and social inequality.
Candidates must also have an interest in interdisciplinary collaboration.
Successful candidates will demonstrate considerable potential for a strong
record of publication, excellence in teaching, and receipt of external
funding. ABD applicants must demonstrate strong likelihood of receiving
the degree by June 2012. Duties will include maintaining an active
research program in the area of specialization, and teaching two courses
per semester with one course each academic year at the graduate level in
the area of specialization and at least one undergraduate course in the
general education program.  Send curriculum vitae; letter describing
interests, research and teaching experience; writing sample and/or
(p)reprints; if available, teaching evaluations; and three letters of
reference to:  Search Committee Chair, Department of Sociology, American
University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016.  Review of
applications will begin by October 17, 2011 and will continue until the
position is filled.  American University is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer, committed to a diverse faculty, staff, and student
body. Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
American University offers employee benefits to same-sex domestic partners
of employees and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation/preference and gender identity/expression.

Sociology. Associate Professor:  The Department of Sociology at American
University (Washington, D.C.), College of Arts and Sciences, invites
applications for a tenure line appointment beginning in August 2012 for an
Associate Professor.   In conjunction with the development of an area of
concentration in health and the newly established Center on Health, Risk
and Society, the department seeks candidates with a primary area of
specialization in the social dimensions of health and illness.  Areas of
specialization to complement teaching and research on health, as well as
the strengths of the department include: globalization, migration, social
inequality and health disparities, and/or urban communities. While all
areas of health will be considered, particular health foci in the
department and at the Center include HIV/AIDS, food/obesity, environment,
maternal and child health, and substance use/abuse. To be appointed with
tenure, candidates must have achieved national or international
professional recognition based on a strong record of publications and be
able to demonstrate excellence in teaching. Successful candidates also
will have experience as the Principal Investigator (preferred) or
Co-Investigator on externally funded research in the area of
specialization, with highest priority given to externally funded
collaborative research.  Duties will include building an active research
program consistent with the mission of the Center on Health, Risk and
Society, and teaching two courses per semester with at least one course
each academic year at the graduate level and another at the undergraduate
level in the area of health and society.  Send curriculum vitae, letter
describing interests, research and teaching experience, including
description of grant history, teaching evaluations, (p)reprints, and three
letters of reference to:  Search Committee Chair, Department of Sociology,
American University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016.
Review of applications will begin by October 17, 2011 and will continue
until the position is filled.  American University is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to a diverse faculty, staff,
and student body. Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to
apply. American University offers employee benefits to same-sex domestic
partners of employees and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation/preference and gender identity/expression.

Rachel Sullivan Robinson
Assistant Professor, School of International Service
Affiliate Professor, Dept. of Sociology
Faculty Associate, COTELCO
American University

4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Tel: 202-885-1636
Fax: 202-885-2494
Email: robinson at american.edu

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