[Cohort39] instrumental variables notebook

Joshua R. Goldstein josh.goldstein at berkeley.edu
Fri Mar 15 17:04:52 PDT 2019

Dear 275ers,

I wrote up an R-notebook with a simulated example of instrumental variables based on notes from Prof. A. Colin Cameroon at UC Davis.

It’s in our shared 275 directory. Please let me know if you’re able to run this in R-studio — not sure if the formatting carries over into and out of google docs. 

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fGrgRNXjri0W-n7YPwwMHq5Sj9V2Z1nC2x_QkUWxOpc/edit <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fGrgRNXjri0W-n7YPwwMHq5Sj9V2Z1nC2x_QkUWxOpc/edit>

Please let me know if this is helpful or not (and also if you find errors).

Best wishes,

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