[Jobs] Fwd: [BIMI] FW: Research Postdoc: imm policy/ politics

Leora Lawton llawton at berkeley.edu
Wed May 3 14:25:39 PDT 2017

Dear all,

Please forward to candidates who may be interested.

The “U.S. Immigration Policy in the 21st Century” project led by Prof. Tom
K. Wong at the University of California, San Diego, invites applications
for a one-year postdoctoral research fellowship. The postdoctoral fellow
will support existing research projects and will also be encouraged to use
the resources made available to him or her, including research funds,
travel support, ongoing collaborations with think tanks, policymakers, and
government agencies, and access to administrative data, to launch projects
that have potential to shed new light on the workings (or failings) of U.S.
immigration policy. The postdoctoral fellow will join a vibrant academic
community, which includes the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
(CCIS) and the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies.

A Ph.D. in the social sciences, with a preference for political science, is
required at the time of appointment. Substantive expertise in immigration
politics and/or racial and ethnic politics is also required. The
postdoctoral fellow should have a range of quantitative research skills.
Knowledge of causal inference methods for observational data is highly
valued, as is program evaluation experience, experience fielding original
surveys, and experience running and analyzing field experiments.

There are no teaching requirements related to this postdoctoral research
fellowship, though there are some administrative duties. Salary, benefits,
and research and travel budgets are competitive.

The initial appointment is for one year with an anticipated start date of July
1, 2017. Review of applications, which comprise a cover letter, CV, writing
sample, and a list of at least three references, will begin immediately and
will continue until the position is filled.

For more information, please email Prof. Tom K. Wong (tomkwong at ucsd.edu).

Tom K. Wong, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
University of California, San Diego
Web: http://www.tomwongphd.com/
Google Scholar: bit.ly/tomkwong_citations
My first book (2015): *Rights, Deportation, and Detention in the Age of
Immigration Control*
My second book out now (2016): *The Politics of Immigration: Partisanship,
Demographic Change, and American National Identity*

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