[Jobs] Postdoctoral opportunities - research on China, India and Indonesia (fwd)

Ron Lee rlee at demog.berkeley.edu
Thu Nov 17 10:58:18 PST 2011

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Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 17:57:21 +0800
From: Gavin Jones <arigwj at nus.edu.sg>
To: Charles Hirschman <charles at u.washington.edu>,
     'Lindy Williams' <lbw2 at cornell.edu>,
     "'sjejeebhoy at popcouncil.org'" <sjejeebhoy at popcouncil.org>,
     "'amason at hawaii.edu'" <amason at hawaii.edu>,
     'LUTZ Wolfgang' <lutz at iiasa.ac.at>, "'james at isec.ac.in'" <james at isec.ac.in>,
     'Ben White' <white at iss.nl>,
     'Budy P. Resosudarmo' <budy.resosudarmo at anu.edu.au>,
     "Terry Hull(external)" <Terry.Hull at anu.edu.au>,
     Graeme Hugo <graeme.hugo at adelaide.edu.au>,
     "'fwang at uci.edu'" <fwang at uci.edu>, moneer <moneer at iegindia.org>,
     "'xypeng at fudan.edu.cn'" <xypeng at fudan.edu.cn>,
     "'nava at cds.ac.in'" <nava at cds.ac.in>, "'guilmoto at ird.fr'" <guilmoto at ird.fr>,
     "Yeung Wei-Jun, Jean" <ariywj at nus.edu.sg>,
     "'chris.manning at anu.edu.au'" <chris.manning at anu.edu.au>,
     'P M Kulkarni' <pmkulkarni at mail.jnu.ac.in>,
     'aris ananta' <aananta at iseas.edu.sg>,
     "'dharmalingam at arts.monash.edu.au'" <dharmalingam at arts.monash.edu.au>,
     "'bcgu2008 at gmail.com'" <bcgu2008 at gmail.com>,
     Robin Bannerman Jeffrey <arirbj at nus.edu.sg>,
     "'lavely at u.washington.edu'" <lavely at u.washington.edu>,
     "'rlee at demog.berkeley.edu'" <rlee at demog.berkeley.edu>,
     Feng Qiushi <socfq at nus.edu.sg>,
     "'hannumem at soc.upenn.edu'" <hannumem at soc.upenn.edu>,
     "maylingoey at yahoo.com" <maylingoey at yahoo.com>
Subject: Postdoctoral opportunities - research on China, India and Indonesia

Dear colleagues,

I am sending this email to a number of friends and colleagues, because I’m hoping you may have a
good graduate student or recent PhD – ideally from China, India or Indonesia, or otherwise working
on one of those countries – who you could recommend for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in

Let me explain a bit. I have recently been asked to head a small new centre in the National
University of Singapore, the JY Pillai Comparative Asia Research Centre, mandated to conduct
comparative research on China, India and Indonesia. This centre will conduct a core research
project, as well as funding a number of other projects proposed by colleagues in the NUS. My
objective is to focus on relatively neglected areas of research on human capital development,
education and labour markets, migration and urbanization, poverty and inequality in these three
countries that are strongly affected by demographic trends and, in turn, need to be taken into
account in modifying population policy.

The core research project will be on “Human capital development, educational opportunity and
equity”.  Its approach will be to

(1)    Contribute to improvement of the data base for educational planning in each country by
examining the consistency between different sources of information on trends in school enrolment
(official enrolment statistics, census and survey-based data, findings of qualitative studies).

(2)    Utilize projections of population by educational attainment to relate trends in the
educational composition of the working-age population to labour market issues.

(3)    Examine differentials in enrolment and continuation rates, test scores etc. by sex, place of
residence, social class, school type and other variables and investigate the effect of such
differentials on poverty and income distribution at a national and regional level.

(4)    Conduct case studies of the educational situation in different settings, focusing
particularly on schools serving the middle classes, the urban poor and rural dwellers. Some studies
will be school-based, others population-based. Studies will examine the barriers to continuation of
schooling from one level to another, factors related to the quality of education, and factors
related to successful schooling outcomes.

(5)    The focus on migration will be two-fold. First will be the education-related factors making
for out-migration (e.g. poor quality of local schools, lack of jobs locally for those with higher
levels of education). Second will be the effects of migration on educational performance – both of
children left behind by parents seeking work elsewhere, and of children moving to towns for the
purpose of education.

Under this program of research, I hope to recruit three postdoctoral fellows to conduct research on
one of these three countries, as part of a team examining these issues in comparative perspective.
I will of course advertise for these positions, but would be most interested to hear from you if
you know of a strong candidate. Candidates with a background in economics, demography, sociology,
anthropology, geography or educational research could be considered.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Professor Gavin W. Jones

Asia Research Institute

National University of Singapore

469A Tower Block #10-01

Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770

Tel. (65) 65165280

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