[Jobs] permanent P-3 position at the U.N. Population Division

Leora Lawton llawton at berkeley.edu
Wed May 4 13:04:32 PDT 2011





From: members-bounces at lists.nta.schemearts.com
[mailto:members-bounces at lists.nta.schemearts.com] On Behalf Of Jorge Bravo
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 12:44 PM
To: members at nta.schemearts.com
Subject: [Members] permanent P-3 position at the U.N. Population Division


Dear all, 
A permanent position of Population Affairs Officer (P-3 level) at the United
Nations Population Division (New York), is being circulated as of today.
Note that this is different and independent from the temporary P-3 vacancy
that I informed about some time ago, and that I am trying to fill in the
coming days. 

This position is located in the Population and Development Section of the
Population Studies Branch of the Population Division in the Department of
Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). The incumbent's work is focused on the
interrelations between population factors and development, including those
pertaining to population ageing, urbanization and the spatial distribution
of the population, and the environment. 

How do I apply? check and read through the U.N. Careers portal:

For details on this particular position, search for post entitled 

the How do I apply? heading. If after reading through you have questions,
please call me. 

Also note that there is a Population Affairs Officer (P-4 level) in
circulation for the Bangkok U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacific (ESCAP). Aside from the location and level (a P-3 requires at
least 5 years of post-graduate experience while a P-4 requires at least 7)
there are other substantive differences that you can review in the
respective vacancy announcements. 


Jorge Bravo
Chief, Population and Development Section
DESA - Population Division, United Nations
2 United Nations Plaza, Rm. DC2-1920
New York, NY 10017 USA

Tel. (917) 367-2323, Fax. (212) 963-2147
email: bravo1 at un.org

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