[Jobs] Demography job seekers lists

Liz Ozselcuk elto at demog.berkeley.edu
Fri Sep 12 10:03:51 PDT 2008

Dear Demography jobs list members:
I am now/finally getting around to updating the Demography job seekers 
list on our webpage.  If you are going on the job market this year, or are 
in a temporary position and expect to be on the job market soon, please 
let me know so I can add you to the list.  Please give me a list of your 
current research interests and a link to your webpage/cv, etc.


liz o.
Liz Ozselcuk, Manager
elto at demog.berkeley.edu
Department of Demography
Graduate Group in Sociology and Demography
2232 Piedmont Avenue
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA  94720
(510) 642-4529

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