[Brownbag] Demography Presentation Tuesday, 11/15: Nathalie Williams

Monique Verrier monique at demog.berkeley.edu
Mon Nov 14 18:08:00 PST 2011

Please join the Demography Department for a special presentation on
Tuesday, November 15 at noon. Nathalie Williams (University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, Sociology) will present, "Migration During Armed
Conflict: A Risks, Resources, and Responses Framework." The presentation
will take place in the seminar room at the Demography Department, 2232
Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley.

About the speaker:
Nathalie Williams is a human rights demographer and sociologist. She works
mostly on the relationship between armed conflict and migration, exploring
a whole range of aspects of that relationship -- the moderating effects of
institutions, how gender intersects with vulnerability, and the effects
of mass media. A central argument in her work so far is that there is a
lot of structured variation in who migrates when conflict emerges. She is
spelling out what that tells us about social structure and inequality. She
also has worked on HIV/AIDS and the elderly, migration to the Gulf states,
and migration after natural disasters.


*   Monique Verrier                      *
*   Graduate Student Affairs Officer     *
*   Department of Demography             *
*   University of California, Berkeley   *
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