[Brownbag] Brown Bag Septmember 23: Pre-IUSSP presentations

Monique Verrier monique at demog.berkeley.edu
Mon Sep 21 16:42:07 PDT 2009

Please join us on  Wednesday, September 23, for the weekly demography 
brown bag presentation. Presentations will be given by three students who 
will also be presenting at the IUSSP conference.

Nobuko Mizoguchi (UC Berkeley, Demography), "Long-term consequences of 
early life exposure to war: A look at later life outcomes of children 
conceived during the Vietnam war."

Sarah E. Staveteig (UC Berkeley, Sociology and Demography), "Marital 
dynamics in the wake of ethnic cleansing: evidence from Bosnia and

Sarah Zureick (UC Berkeley, Demography), "Sex-specific variability in 
adult life span over time: Have male ages at death always been more 
dispersed?"  [Poster Presentation]


************************************************************************* The 
Demography Brown Bag Seminars take place usually on Wednesdays from 12:10 to 
1:00, in room 100 of the Demography building, 2232 Piedmont Ave (EXCEPT ON 
SEPTEMBER 2--SEE MESSAGE ABOVE). Please try to arrive before 12:10 so we can 
start promptly at the scheduled time. Regular and decaffeinated coffee will be 
available, as well as cookies and hot water for tea. Administrative inquiries 
may be addressed to the Demography Office at 642-9800, or monique at demog. If you 
would like to inquire about presenting a seminar yourself, or have suggestions 
for other potential speakers, please contact Ronald Lee at 642-4535, or 
rlee at demog.berkeley.edu. Visit our webpage for an up-to-date list of future 
Brown Bag Seminars, http://www.demog.berkeley.edu/events/brownbag.html.

Monique M. Verrier
Student Services Adviser
UC Berkeley, Department of Demography
Tel. 510-642-9800  FAX 510-643-8558

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