[Brownbag] Tomorrow: Dr. Zoltan Hajnal @12pm (fwd)

Liz Ozselcuk elto at demog.berkeley.edu
Wed Nov 19 16:15:58 PST 2008

Here, another demographic topic, there seem to be a lot of them, does the 
election bring this out in people?


Just a friendly reminder about tomorrow's 12pm talk...For those
interested, lunch will be provided.

Dear Colleagues:

Please join the Colloquium on Race, Ethnicity and Immigration for a visit
by Dr. Zoltan Hajnal. The presentation will take place on Thursday (at
12pm in the Harris Room, 119 Moses Hall). Do come and join us!

November 20, 2008 @ 12pm
Dr. Zoltan Hajnal
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of California, San Diego

Title of talk: "The Rise of a New Racial Divide: State Immigrant Context
and the Political Leanings of White Americans"

By: Zoltan Hajnal (UCSD), Marisa Abrajano (UCSD), Nick Warner (UCSD)

Abstract: "Immigration is having a profound but uneven impact across
American states. In this project, we seek to show how state immigrant
context shapes the basic political leanings of white Americans. Our
analysis of the 2000 National Annenberg Election Survey indicates that ?
all else equal - white Americans in states with higher proportions of
Latinos tend to hold more conservative views across a wide range of
policies. A larger Latino population is also associated with a shift to
the Republican Party among whites. This mirrors the defection of southern
whites from the Democratic Party during the Civil Rights Era. The size of
the state?s black population continues to contribute to a conservative
political orientation but not as strongly. By contrast, living in a state
with a larger Asian American population appears to have a liberalizing
effect on white views. These patterns suggest that immigration is
re-shaping the main racial dividing lines in American politics."

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