[Brownbag] Brown Bag December 10: Shelley Lapkoff

Monique Verrier monique at demog.berkeley.edu
Mon Dec 8 12:00:38 PST 2008

Please join us for the Demography Brown Bag Presentation on Wednesday, December 
10. Shelley Lapkoff (Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc.), 
will present, "Housing Turnover and Neighborhood Enrollment Cycles." The 
abstract is below.

- Monique


Many of our school district clients are concerned about enrollment 
increases in older neighborhoods consisting of single-family units, or 
houses.  Usually these suburban neighborhoods have stable, low 
enrollments.  Many school trustees and members of the public are convinced 
that enrollments will soar in some of their older neighborhoods because so 
many of the homes are occupied by households whose children have long 
graduated.  As these homes change ownership, younger families can move in, 
raising enrollments.  Can we predict which neighborhoods will experience 
enrollment increases, when they will experience them, and what the 
magnitude of the increases will be?  An alternative forecast method to the 
cohort survival approach is offered to help answer these questions.

The Demography Brown Bag Seminars take place usually on Wednesdays from 12:10 
to 1:00, in room 100 of the Demography building, 2232 Piedmont Ave. Please try 
to arrive before 12:10 so we can start promptly at the scheduled time. Regular 
and decaffeinated coffee will be available, as well as cookies and hot water 
for tea. Administrative inquiries may be addressed to the Demography Office at 
642-9800, or monique at demog. If you would like to inquire about presenting a 
seminar yourself, or have suggestions for other potential speakers, please 
contact Ronald Lee at 642-4535, or rlee at demog. berkeley.edu. Visit our webpage 
for an up-to-date list of future Brown Bag Seminars, http://www.demog. 

Monique M. Verrier
Student Affairs Officer/ Graduate Assistant
UC Berkeley, Department of Demography
Tel. 510-642-9800  FAX 510-643-8558

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